Day 1


Day 1 of the workshop is filled with a mix of theory, live model demo, and hands-on practice. You'll delve into the theory, observe its application on a live model, and actively apply what you learn on mannequins. This hands-on approach ensures a comprehensive learning experience.

By the end of this intensive day, you will not only have a solid understanding but also practical confidence in mastering the Cadō curly method.


Day 2


Day 2 of the workshop features a dynamic mix of theory, demonstration on mannequin, and hands-on practice on Cadō Blōnding. Throughout the day, you’ll delve into the theory, observe its application on a mannequin during live demonstrations, and actively apply these techniques on your own mannequins. This hands-on approach ensures a comprehensive learning experience tailored to the intricacies of Cadō Blōnding.

By the end of this intensive day, you'll not only have a solid understanding but also practical confidence in mastering the Cadō Blōnding method. We go beyond the basics, teaching you how to ensure balanced placement, toning application, and incorporating Reema's tips and tricks to achieve a balanced, healthy result.

The Cadō Blōnde

Learn the signature blōnding & colouring methods to enhance your client’s natural curl while maintaining the integrity of the curls. In this workshop, you'll discover how to elevate your cadō cut with a color that makes the curls POP. With this certification, delve into placement, colouring tips & tricks, texture, porosity, and more.

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